Homework, Heroes and Hormones


So like I’m said in my last couple of posts I’ve had a LOT of homework lately! I think I’m finally starting to catch up on my assignments, one of which I’m handing in a week late. Now, time to start on the extra work I need to do for out of school commitments like debate! Like a mentioned in my last blog, I’m a serial procrastinator so this hasn’t been an easy couple of weeks. I’m constantly cramming things in the night before! I always write all the plans of how I’m going to organise my study but I NEVER stick to them! I am really trying to work hard this year on sticking to my planning and to be completely honest I’m actually doing better than last year.

I’ve had so strange ups and downs today. I’ve been blaming it on hormones, headaches, tiredness and other various reasons. But I don’t really know what it is. I’m thinking it is maybe hormones. But if all these constant ups and downs continue I’m seriously considering going to a doctor.

So obviously, I’m a teenage girl. And I’m been having strange feelings about my boyfriend at the moment. NO, not THOSE sort of feelings. Not sexual feelings, okay, maybe sometimes. But the sorts of feelings where I just get so frustrated easily and he can wind me up really easily and just completely annoy me! I’ve never felt this way with him and it started today. I’m sure it will pass and tomorrow or the next day will be fine. But I had a serious talk with Lantern today about breaking up with him. It seems stupid now that I think about it but that talk definitely happened. I’m never felt like this, is this a natural part of relationships?
Should I be feeling this?

So I’ve had this dream for a while to be some one’s Hero. I want to be some one’s idol, the one people they always look up to. I hope some day to be that for my kids and for me, right now, it’s Lantern. She is this one person who seems to understand me better than most people. She is supportive, trustworthy and is just always there. Sure we have had our issues with Lost at the moment but she really rocks my world. She always knows when something is wrong and says and does the funniest stuff. She can cheer you up in an instant and knows what you like. She remembers everyones birthday and important occasions that others would forget. She buys the best presents and she isn’t judgemental. And honestly she is my hero. Every day I wake up and I want to be more like her. Honestly the best person that I could have asked for to walk into my life.

So my question for you is who is your Hero and what makes them a Hero?

Love little miss know it all xx

P.s wish me luck going to write my debate speech x

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